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We are, as a species, very disappointing. And I find myself tired by this truth. I had such high, and I thought, simple hopes. Minute by minute, you are washing them away. I am washing them away. Hummmm, human beings. So this teaches me yet again that the only true stability is found in God. A whisper in my head wants me to be afraid. In fact, it tells me to be afraid. But this weariness in my body won’t allow me even that strength. Aaah, human beings.

So I guess it’s back to daily waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waking each morning wondering what this day will bring. God give me strength, please. Please. Please. Please. Ah, here they are, my tears. Jesus. Please. Help me.






Hello my darlings.

Happy and Propserous New years to come. If you’re in merry old England, stay warm, safe and away from the dreaded cold. If not, stay warm and safe. I love you. God continue to bless and keep you.


GB&TC xxxxxxxx



how much paperwork does one person need? i’m beginning to feel like a cow at auction 😦

Hello Loves

Christmas is coming up. A time of reflection. To celebrate how far along you’ve come in your journey. How you’re so close to being you, you can taste it. And to reflect on and celebrate the many blessings you have. How well God has kept you. I’m sitting with a pile of old papers, amazed at what has passed over me, how well I am being kept in His shadow. And I am SO looking forward to what God has next for me. I am so blessed. I had no idea.

Today I spoke with my grandmother, and she poured such hope into me. And as I take this next step that I never saw coming, and head in a direction that leads only God knows where, I am not afraid. When God says He will give you His peace, a peace that the world cannot comprehend, He means it. I cannot comprehend it. But I am so happy, content. So hopeful. God makes sense.

So, Christmas is upon us. And yes, we celebrate, Happy Birthday Jesus! And take time out to exclusively drive our families, yes that includes the friends we’ve made who are the family we have chosen for ourselves. But this is also a good time, no, an excellent time, to sit down and list in your soul all those myriad of reasons why, tomorrow, you’ll get up and do it all again. For me, God is at the top of the list. under Him falls an amazing list of wow and aha! moments. And on that list is a world populated by my family. Yes, that includes you.

So now that I’ve done my bit to exclusively drive you crazy this Christmas, I wish you hope, and love, and all the blessings that God has to give, in Jesus’ name. I love you. Happy Christmas.

God bless and take care


Audition tomorrow

Rain? Huh! I laugh at your

I’ve been dreaming about this for so long, I’m hopeful and fighting fear. Please pray for me to get it.

God bless and take care



Dear Lord

Please help me to get past me so that I can finally gwt to where we want me to be. And tell me, clearly, which way I should go to get there. Because my heart, fleshly thing that it is, is heavy and does not want to move in this direction. Please tell me, is this You Lord?

In Jesus’ name



Rain? Huh! I laugh at your

How long have you been waiting for that something to happen?

Amadhadha amabili loFudu

Amadhadha amabili loFudu

Kuthwa kwakukhona, it is said that there once were two ducks, Amadhadha, who lived in a lake. They shared this lake with Fudu, a tortoise/ turtle. Now, a lake is not like a dam, were water goes in to be stored. When water dries up in a lake, then there simply is no more water. This is what happened to the lake of our three friends. So the two ducks decided to go off and find some water. They travelled far and wide, around and around, until one day, they found some water. And they said to each other, yes, we have found some water, we will live here. We have found another home.

But they said to each other, what about our friend Fudu, we cannot leave him back at the dried up lake to suffer. It is best of we bring him with us. So they went back to get him. They reached him and said

“Fudu, we have found water.” And Fudu said, “Honestly?”

And the ducks said, “Honestly. We have found a new home. And it is green and lush. Can’t you see how full and stuffed our tummies are?” They patted their fat bellies to show him. “We are so full. The fish that are over there. And the little frogs. Whew. We ate and ate.”

“Shuwa? Honestly?”

“Shuwa. But we didn’t want to leave you behind.”

“But what can we do, since you can fly and I cannot.”

“Don’t worry about that. We’ll think of something. But we are not going to leave you here to die.” So the ducks thought about it. “We need to find and strong stick, or branch; we have to smooth it out. Then Fudu can hold it in between his teeth, and you bite one end, and I will bite the other. Then we can fly with him.”

So they found a stick, and smoothed it out and then they showed it to Fudu. “You see Fudu, bite here, then we will bite like this and then we’ll fly with you.” They went for a practice flight, and learned how to fly together.  A few days later, the ducks told Fudu, “Prepare yourself our friend, because tomorrow we are leaving this lake.”

The day dawned and they said to Fudu, “Here, bite the stick, and keep very, very quiet.” You see, they knew that they would be flying over schools and groups of children in order to get to their new home, so they wanted Fudu to be quiet. “They told me him to make sure he had a very strong grip.” And off they flew.

They flew over the playground, and as usual, the children became excited when they saw the ducks and they shouted; only this time, they shouted at Fudu as well. “Yey, there go the ducks. Ha ha ha, but today they are flying with Fudu, ha ha ha, but Fudu doesn’t know how to fly.” So Fudu became very angry. He could not ignore their mean words. So when he opened his mouth to tell the children off, you can imagine what happened. As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, he fell, and he fell, all the way down from the sky, and landed on his hard shell. His shell burst open and all his insides fell out, and he died.

So here is the lesson, when you are told not to do something, do not do it. And when you are told to speak, speak. When you are not told to speak, be quiet. Because you may speak out of turn and end up hurting yourself.

Glossary of words

Fudu                                                                      foodoo                                                 tortoise

Dhadha                                                                                dahdah                                                 duck

Amadhadha                                                       ahmahdahdah                                   ducks